DOORS open for vendor access 90 minutes before start time
There are 2 different BE SUMMIT VENDOR packages. Both include all Thursday - Saturday and then Sunday Evening (no vendors allowed during Sunday Morning service):
1) PACKAGE 1 ($150)
(i) One 6ft table and 2 chairs in a space big enough to display one vertical 3ft wide banner
(ii) Link to the company's website on the vendor page of the SUMMIT website.
(iii) Name tags with your company logo will be provided for your staff at check-in
(iv) Company name on the event video loop during Business Expo (when possible)
2) PACKAGE 2 ($250)
(i) Two 6ft tables and 2 chairs in an "L" shape located in a space big enough to display two vertical 3ft wide banners
(ii) Company logo, and a link to the company's website on the vendor page of the SUMMIT website.
(iii) Name tags with your company logo will be provided for your staff at check-in
(iv) Company logo on the event video loop during Business Expo (when possible)
* ALL vendors must provide a table cover for their table(s). Vendors may only use the space under their tables for storage, no other storage space will be provided.
* All vendors must set up at least 45 minutes before the start of each day's service, and remain set up for the duration of that (morning or evening) session.